templates: page: type: m.room.message content: msgtype: m.notice body: $${message} formatted_body: $${formatted_message} format: org.matrix.custom.html default_flags: - ignorecase antispam: room: max: 1 delay: 15 user: max: 5 delay: 15 rules: purpose: matches: [^\!lib$] template: page variables: message: | I am the Librarian. Use `!lib {command}` to request I cite pages. # Commands: - *no command* - Access this help file. - `intro` - General information on the origin of the game. - `rules` - Get the rulebook. - `dice` - How to use the **Dice Bot** formatted_message: | I am the Librarian. Use !lib {command} to request I cite pages.


format: matches: [^\!lib rules$] template: page variables: message: | [Click here for the rulebook in markdown...](https://md.4267656.xyz/s/Armada) formatted_message: | Click here for the rulebook in markdown... dice: matches: [^\!lib dice$] template: page variables: message: | ## Using the Dice Bot To roll some dice, use the command as follows: `!roll` `XdY` `+|-` `Z` > For example: `!roll 2d8 + 5` Note: If only rolling 1 die, the `X` can be omitted. Also: using `!roll` alone will roll **1d6** formatted_message: |-

Using the Dice Bot

To roll some dice, use the command as follows: !roll XdY +|- Z
For example: !roll 2d8 + 5
Note: If only rolling 1 die, the X can be omitted.
Also: using !roll alone will roll 1d6 intro: matches: [^\!lib intro$] template: page variables: message: | To get an idea of the origin/background of the game, or to find out more about the author and to help contribute, [click here...](https://md.4267656.xyz/s/Intro) formatted_message: | To get an idea of the origin/background of the game, or to find out more about the author and to help contribute, click here...