templates: page: type: m.room.message content: msgtype: m.notice body: $${message} formatted_body: $${formatted_message} format: org.matrix.custom.html default_flags: - ignorecase antispam: room: max: 1 delay: 15 user: max: 5 delay: 15 rules: purpose: matches: [^\!lib$] template: page variables: message: | I am the [*Librarian*](https://wiki.starlord.zip/books/armada/page/the-librarian). Use any of these commands to get information: ### Commands: - `!wiki` - Open the full Wiki. - `!rules` - Go straight to the Rulebook. - `!dice` - Get quick information on using the Dice Bot. - `!ships` - See the ship sizes. - `!atk` - Refresher on the rules for targeting/attacking ships. - `!def` - How to defend your ship from attacks. formatted_message: | I am the Librarian. Use any of these commands to get information:


wiki: matches: [^\!wiki$] template: page variables: message: | [Click here](https://wiki.starlord.zip/books/armada) to visit the wiki, or [download as a PDF](https://wiki.starlord.zip/books/armada/export/pdf). formatted_message: | Click here to visit the wiki, or download as a PDF. rules: matches: [^\!rules$] template: page variables: message: | [Click here](https://wiki.starlord.zip/books/armada/chapter/rulebook) to go directly to the rulebook, or [download the full Wiki as a PDF](https://wiki.starlord.zip/books/armada/export/pdf). formatted_message: | Click here to go directly to the rulebook, or download the full Wiki as a PDF. dice: matches: [^\!dice$] template: page variables: message: | ### Using the Dice Bot To roll some dice, use the command as follows: `!roll` `XdY` `+|-` `Z` > For example: `!roll 2d8 + 5` Note: If only rolling 1 die, the `X` can be omitted. Also: using `!roll` alone will roll **1d6** formatted_message: |-

Using the Dice Bot

To roll some dice, use the command as follows: !roll XdY +|- Z

For example: !roll 2d8 + 5

Note: If only rolling 1 die, the X can be omitted.
Also: using !roll alone will roll 1d6 ships: matches: [^\!ships$] template: page variables: message: | Here are the ship sizes: Ship | Hull Die | Code :--- | :---: | :---: Frigate | d12 | FGT Carrier | d10 | CAR Destroyer | d8 | DST Cruiser | d6 | CRU Fighter | d4 | FGT formatted_message: | Here are the ship sizes:

Ship Hull Die Code
Frigate d12 FGT
Carrier d10 CAR
Destroyer d8 DST
Cruiser d6 CRU
Fighter d4 FGT
atk: matches: [^\!atk$] template: page variables: message: | To attack a targeted ship, roll the attacking ship's Hull Die for your **Attack Strength** and compare the result to the targeted ship's **Target Difficulty** for the turn. If the Attack Strength **excedes** the Target Difficulty, a hit is scored. formatted_message: | To attack a targeted ship, roll the attacking ship's Hull Die for your Attack Strength and compare the result to the targeted ship's Target Difficulty for the turn. If the Attack Strength excedes the Target Difficulty, a hit is scored. def: matches: [^\!def$] template: page variables: message: | If your ship has been targeted this turn, roll it's Hull Die to determine its **Target Difficulty** for all attacks made on it this turn. The attacker's **Attack Strength** must **excede** your Target Difficulty to score a hit on this ship. formatted_message: | If your ship has been targeted this turn, roll it's Hull Die to determine its Target Difficulty for all attacks made on it this turn. The attacker's Attack Strength must excede your Target Difficulty to score a hit on this ship.