# dice roller This `html` file allows a user to perpetually add calculated dice rolls to a history list. It then encodes/compresses the entire page into an [itty.bitty](https://about.bitty.site/) url to pass between players. ## To Use - Enter the name of the roller (the *actor*) and the reason for the roll (such as "*initiative*" or "*attack/damage*") - Select the number of dice to roll (max 20) and the number of sides on those dice (max 100) - Add a modifier (positive or negative) and apply it to the total roll or to each die rolled - Click the roll button and see the results added to the history After each roll, a new [itty.bitty](https://github.com/alcor/itty-bitty/) link will be generated in the **Custom History** box. Click the button to copy and send it off to the next player! ## Link Length The itty.bitty links can get [quite long](https://github.com/alcor/itty-bitty/wiki/#url-structure), so it may be prudent to use a link shortener. For example, the link [https://asso.li/dLVZ82wR](https://asso.li/dLVZ82wR) for the `dice.html` page in this repo was generated using [asso.li](https://asso.li/), an [lstu](https://lstu.fr/) instance, with the following command (Linux): ```bash cat dice.html | lzma -9 | base64 -w0 | xargs -0 printf "https://itty.bitty.site/#Dice Roller/%s\n" | xargs -0 -I {} curl --data-urlencode "format=json" --data-urlencode "lsturl={}" https://asso.li/a | jq -r '.short' ``` You can, optionally, generate such a short link with each pass to each player, as needed.